court debate, justice, corporate dispute, squeeze-out procedure, sell-out procedure, court speech, retort.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the legal nature of court debates as a sign of the competitive nature of the process and an element of the right to a fair trial in the consideration of corporate disputes. After all, one of the fundamental human rights is the right to a fair trial, which, today, is a sought-after requirement in the complex modern realities of national law enforcement practice. The problems of legislative and scientific interpretation of “corporate dispute” are analyzed, because corporate disputes remain one of the most complex and common categories of disputes considered in commercial court proceedings. The concept of “judicial debates” is studied, taking into account the fact that with the help of their active provision by the subjects of the judicial process, it seems possible to achieve full and comprehensive justice in the consideration of corporate disputes. Attention is drawn to the fact that the institution of court debates is a novelty for national economic procedural legislation, because until 2017, until the legislator made changes to the procedural codes of Ukraine, court debates as a component of court proceedings were not provided for by the Economic Procedural Code of Ukraine. Attention is drawn to the fact that corporate-type business organizations currently play a significant role in the national economy, influencing international relations as well. Unfortunately, the issues of legal relations within such companies, their corporate management, and corporate relations remain insufficiently studied and researched. Because of that, there are many ambiguous and difficult issues in court practice regarding the resolution of relevant disputes. It is proposed to the legislator to include the concept of “corporate disputes” in the current Economic Procedure Code of Ukraine, which will increase the efficiency of their resolution. It is emphasized that court debates are an important sign of the competitiveness of the process and an element of the right to a fair trial in the consideration of corporate disputes.
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